New Year Resolution

This post was due to be released since 01/01/13 buh due to villa and network, it’s coming now!

Finally it’s 2013!!!
The year everything will turn around 4 my good. (Esther 9:1), my year of freedom & abundance, Amen!

During the cross-over night with Bishop Charles Uchenna @ Solution Chapel, Works Layout, Owerri, I was inspired by some things he said and decided to make them my New Year Resolution

Theme song of the year:
* I give myself away
* Everything turning around for my good

New Year Resolution:
* This year, I won’t do what I want to do but what God wants me to do.
* I won’t say what I want to say, but what He wants me to say.
* I won’t go where I want to go, but where He wants me to go.
* I Won’t give what I want to give, but what He wants me to give.
* This year, I give myself away so Yσυ(God) can use me!
* I’ll change, not actually in character but in personality.
* I’ll be more precise in choosing my friends.
* I’ll remain with the winning team #TeamFCB

Above all, I remain unstoppable, untouchable, the Fear to be feared, Christ’s Ambassador, a prince from the Royal Priesthood and a peculiar person!

These and more are my new year resolutions, so help me God!

For more,
ff on twitter @stillcuteug
Facebook: Iwums Cutekid Ug
BBM pin:25DA7ACB

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Happy New Year!!!


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